Using Selenium WebDriver with PowerShell
todos... que pasa?
This time I am going to show an example on how to use Selenium WebDriver with PowerShell to open the browser and do stuff like checking a checkbox or maybe
writing some text in a text box.
This one took me sometime to deal with it, it was not a straightforward
thing, I spent so much time in front of my laptop, I lost the feeling on my ass for some time after finishing the code, anyway, To find more information about Selenium and how it works, you can dig this link :
this WebDriver was built for C#, and of course it can be used and called withing PowerShell or easily...
Anyway, let’s talk
about the code :
#Code Start Here :
# moving to the folder where Selenium DLL files are…
# You can also use Add-Type Cmdlet with -path option, it will do the same.
cd "d:\NonOfficialPSModules\selenium-dotnet-2.46.0\net40"
# calling the Browser Driver, in this case I am using FireFox
$dr = New-Object "OpenQA.Selenium.FireFox.FirefoxDriver"
$actions = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions($dr)
# Using Facebook as a test
$dr.url = ""
# Pausing for sometime to allow the browser to load all the elements inside
# The web Page.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
# I am using .NET's Windows Forms here to send two TABs (TAB clicks)
# because when the browser start, the cursor will point to the address bar,
# To move the cursor inside the browser itself I am pressing TAB two times to
# Make sure that the cursor is moved on one of the web elements this will make
# sure that the cursor will move to the correct element later.
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{TAB}") | out-null
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("{TAB}") | out-null
#Looking for the element, in my case, it's the checkbox
# the one near the label : keep me logged in
$MyElement = $dr.FindElementByXpath("//*[@class='uiInputLabelInput
# This "if" statement will check if the above variable is true (Means the object
# was found)
if ($MyElement){
Write-Host "found it.."
# This is just some information, you can comment this if you want
# This is the main thing here, it will take the focus from any element in the
# page and move it to the checkbox than simply click the check box to check it.
# sleeping for sometime will allow you to see the changes
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
#Close the browser and finish the code.
# in case the element was not found it will show a message and simply close the
# browser
if (! $MyElement){
Write-Host "Element Not found..Check your Reff
#Close the browser and finish the code.
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
#Code End Here.
You can look for elements using the developer tools in browsers, you can find elements by different ways include name, Id and other properties. I explained Every part of the code as comments, hope everyone understand it.
you can use the same code above if you want to write some text in a textbox element.
to send keyboard signals to the element you can use this statement :
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("TextHere") | out-null
It's the same way I used to send the TAB signals above...
sadly I gotta go now, I have to cook some food, see ya all later..Hasta Pronto
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