Monitoring your servers using powershell
There were sometimes in my work life were I had to do things my own way and there was no help from anyone....
I created this script 2 years ago to monitor all my windows servers.
This script is divided into PowerShell functions.
Each function can monitor a certain resource in your server.
Take a look:
### Script starts here
Function Ping-server {
$pingsrv = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ServerName
if ($pingsrv){Write-Host "server " $ServerName "is reachable.."}else {Write-Host "server " $ServerName " is not reachable!!!!, please chack..."}
function get-volsize {
$getvols = Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $ServerName | where {$_.DriveType -eq "3"}
foreach ($rr in $getvols)
$devid = $rr.DeviceID
$VolName = $rr.VolumeName
$DriveFullsp = $rr.Size
$DriveFresp = $rr.FreeSpace
$UsedSpace = $DriveFullsp - $DriveFresp
$PercentFree =($DriveFresp / $DriveFullsp) * 100
Write-Host "Device ID is: " $devid
Write-Host "Volume name is " $VolName
Write-Host "Full Size is: " $DriveFullsp
Write-Host "Free space is: " $DriveFresp
Write-Host "Used Space is: " $UsedSpace
Write-Host "Free Percantage is " $PercentFree
function get-svrdets {
$srvdets = Get-WmiObject -class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ServerName
foreach ($sr in $srvdets)
$SrvName = (Get-WmiObject -class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ServerName ).Name
$SrvDomain = (Get-WmiObject -class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ServerName ).Domain
$manu = (Get-WmiObject -class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).Manufacturer
$SrvMod = (Get-WmiObject -class CIM_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).Model
Write-Host "Server name is: " $SrvName
Write-Host "Server domain is: " $SrvDomain
Write-Host "Server Manufacturer is: " $manu
Write-Host "Server model is: " $SrvMod
function get-mem {
$SrvTotalMem = (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).totalvisiblememorysize
$SrvFreeMem = (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).freephysicalmemory
$SrvTotalVirtualMem = (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).totalvirtualmemorysize
$SrvFreeVirtualMemory = (Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ServerName).freevirtualmemory
$SrvUsedMem = $SrvTotalMem - $SrvFreeMem
$SrvVirtualMemUsed = $SrvTotalVirtualMem - $SrvFreeVirtualMemory
$MemPercentFree =($SrvFreeMem / $SrvTotalMem) * 100
$Virtualmempercentfree = ($SrvFreeVirtualMemory / $SrvTotalVirtualMem) * 100
Write-Host "Total Memory is: " $SrvTotalMem
Write-Host "Free Memory is: " $SrvFreeMem
Write-Host "Total Virtual Memory is: " $SrvTotalVirtualMem
Write-Host "Free Virtual Memory is: " $SrvFreeVirtualMemory
Write-Host "Physical Memory usage is: " $SrvUsedMem
Write-Host "Virtual Memory usage is :" $SrvVirtualMemUsed
Write-Host "Physical Memory Free percantage: " $MemPercentFree
Write-Host "Virtual memory Free percantage: " $Virtualmempercentfree
function get-proc {
$SrvProcessAvg = (Get-WmiObject win32_processor -ComputerName $ServerName| Measure-Object -property LoadPercentage -Average).Average
Write-Host "Physical processor usage is: " $SrvProcessAvg
function get-mysqlservice {
if (Get-Service -Name MYSQL* -ComputerName $ServerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
$mysqlstatus = (Get-Service -Name MYSQL* -ComputerName $ServerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status
if ($mysqlstatus -eq "stopped"){Write-host "Mysql service is down, please check!!!!!"}else {Write-Host "MYSQL service is running normally"}
else {Write-Host "MYSQL service is not insatlled on server"}
function get-mssqlservice {
if (Get-Service -Name MSSQLSERVER -ComputerName $ServerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
$mysqlstatus = (Get-Service -Name MSSQLSERVER -ComputerName $ServerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status
if ($mysqlstatus -eq "stopped"){Write-host "Mysql service is down, please check!!!!!"}else {Write-Host "MYSQL service is running normally"}
else {Write-Host "MSSQLSERVER service is not insatlled on server"}
ping-server -ServerName "localhost"
get-volsize -ServerName "localhost"
get-svrdets -ServerName "localhost"
get-mem -ServerName "localhost"
# Script Ends here
You can notice that the script is nothing but a group of functions, each function will monitor a certain thing.
you can loop servers from a text file, for example in this line you can write :
you can loop servers from a text file, for example in this line you can write :
$r = get-content -path ".\somefile.txt"
foreach ($rr in $r){
ping-server -ServerName $rr
get-volsize -ServerName $rr
get-svrdets -ServerName $rr
get-mem -ServerName $rr
get-volsize -ServerName $rr
get-svrdets -ServerName $rr
get-mem -ServerName $rr
Now to use this script the right way, you must have the right permissions on servers because I am using WMI only.
I hope someone find this useful, I gotta go now...I am getting my hands dirty with google kubernetes.....Nos Vemos todos...
That exactly what we need