"Lastlogon" Or "Lastlogontimestamp”

"Lastlogon" Or "Lastlogontimestamp”

-          Last day I got a little chat with my management regarding migrating some Active directory users from an old domain to our new domain.

-          Now before talking about policy differences between the old and the new, we came to know that there are many dummy accounts in the old domain, so before migration, we wanted to know the active users who are logging in at least once in the month.

 -          I already know about “Lastlogon” and “lastlogontimestamp” attributes, but I was confused which one I should retrieve…

 -           After some research, I found that both can be used, but the most accurate one is “lastlogon”, but the problem is this attribute will not replicate to other domain controllers, for example: -          Let’s say I have one pc, one user and 3 domain controllers(DC1, 2, and 3), the pc send an authentication request to DC1, the “lastlogon” attribute for usr1 will take the current date and time once the authentication established and completed. The main problem here is that you won’t find the values of “lastlogon” in other DC’s.  The next day, usr1 logged in but this time the request went to DC2, again the same thing happened, current date and time recorded in DC2, but not DC1 or DC3…

 -          Because I love scripting, I decided to write some scratches in PowerShell to work around this problem.

 -          When it comes to AD and PowerShell, there are two common ways to access or manage Active Directory, using Microsoft AD Module for PowerShell, or Using Quest Snap-in, check out these links for more information about them :

 -          https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617195.aspx  & https://support.software.dell.com/download-install-detail/5024645 -          Any way let’s get to the point, I created this scratch using PowerShell with both ways (Quest active roles & MS AD Module), the code goes something like this :

# Using both MS AD module and Quest Active roles
# Remember to change the values of these attributes : -Searchroot , -Searchbase, -Service and -UserName to the correct values based on your doamin 
Add-PSSnapin quest*
Import-Module Active*
# use your domain user name and password..
$c = Get-Credential -UserName "doamin\loginid" -Message "__"
#Path of the Text file where the users existed...
$re = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\faarooq\Desktop\HSA.txt"
Connect-QADService -Service "ngha.med" -Credential $c
foreach ($dd in $re)
{ # using Qest Active roles
$dcnames = (Get-QADComputer -SearchRoot "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=SubDoamin,DC=Domain" -LdapFilter "(name=*)" -IncludedProperties dNSHostName).dNSHostName
# if you want to use MS AD Module
#(Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=KAMC-JD,DC=ngha,DC=med" -LDAPFilter "(!name=RIYSVCDC-206)" -Properties name).Name
#(Get-QADComputer -SearchRoot "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=KAMC-RD,DC=ngha,DC=med" | where {$_.Name -ne "RIYSVCDC-206"}).Name
foreach ($d in $dcnames){   # looping using MS AD Module
$lastslogonval = (Get-ADUser -SearchBase "DC=SubDoamin,DC=Domain" -LDAPFilter "(samaccountname=$dd)" -SearchScope Subtree -Properties lastlogon  -Server $d).lastlogon
# using Quest Active roles..
#(Get-QADUser -Identity $dd -Service "$d.subDoamin.Domain" -SearchRoot "DC=SubDoamin,DC=Domain" -Credential $c -IncludedProperties lastlogon).lastlogon
# Using MS AD Module
$SMTPVal = (Get-ADUser -SearchBase "DC=SubDoamin,DC=Domain" -LDAPFilter "(samaccountname=$dd)" -Properties ProxyAddresses -Server $d).ProxyAddresses | Select-String -Pattern "SMTP*"
# using Quest Active roles..
#(Get-QADUser -Identity $dd -Service "$d.SubDomain.Domain" -SearchRoot "DC=SubDoamin,DC=Domain" -Credential $c -IncludedProperties ProxyAddresses).ProxyAddresses | Select-String -Pattern "SMTP*"
#Write-Host "lastlogn on $d is : $lastslogonval"
if ($lastslogonval){
# creating an ArrayList and the values of the "lastlogon" attribute for each user 
$arr = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$arr.Add($lastslogonval) | Out-Null
if ($SMTPVal){ #creating an ArrayList and the values of the "proxyaddresses" attribute for each user
$arr2 =[System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$arr2.Add($SMTPVal) | Out-Null
$max = ($arr  | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum # Getting the lates lastlogon date in the array 
Write-Host $dd + ">>" + [datetime]::FromFileTime($max) + ">>" + $arr2 #writing on the screen
$wr = $dd + ">>" + [datetime]::FromFileTime($max) + ">>" + $arr2
$wr | Out-File -Append -FilePath y:\KAMC-HS.txt # writing rusult to a text file


-          Go to this link and you will have a good idea about this, and you will understand why I chose “lastlogon” instead of “lastlogontimestamp”

-          You can notice that I already mentioned two lines of each step while gathering the information related to AD, rest of the stuff are just normal PowerShell Scratching…-          Sadly, I gotta go now, Happy scripting, Hasta luego todos…. Remember to read the comments carefully...



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